Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Toy guns and throats DON'T mix...

So Jeremy was pushing Gentry on the tire swing and put his toy gun in his mouth to be able to use both hands to push.
The tire swing came back and hit the gun which got shoved down into his throat. He started crying and I just thought his teeth cut into his lips.

When the blood started pouring out and wouldn't stop or slow down I got a little concerned. I was looking at his inner lips and cheek and couldn't see anything. Finally my eyes focused onto the source of the blood near the back of his throat and saw a dime sized hole.

I was freaked out and rushed him to the ER. (80 mph all the way there). The doctor at first wanted to sew it up because of how deep it was and he could see muscle tissue. He consulted with an Ear Nose and Throat specialist and was advised to let it heal on it's own.

The doctor said since he's so young, the risk of something going wrong in surgery is far greater than just letting it heal on it's own. I was very skeptical but I left and Jeremy was on a pudding, ice cream and jello diet.

After 4 days the hole was closed yet still very raw. He could eat more foods, but nothing scratchy. He was also put on an anti-biotic so there would not be any infection.

Hopefully he learned his lesson by not sticking things in his mouth...I guess we'll see. The doctor did say that if it had been any deeper it would have hit the artery and he would have bled out. I must say that I was very glad to give my child all the ice cream and pudding he wanted rather than be planning his funeral. Parents: show your children these pics and warn them that the same could happen.

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