Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Okay I seen this on Jess and Eli's blog, so I gotta follow!

Think back to the first time you met me and or my kids (or both!) and post your first impression/memory of me/us. I think this will be a lot of fun so I thank you in advance!!!

~I think this would be a fun one to pass around to all your friends~

1 comment:

  1. Yay for a memory post! I had totally forgotten about some of the memories you posted about!!!

    When I think about our journey together, here are some things that come to mind: thinking we were "cool" because we hung out with the juniors and seniors in band, camping out in my tent in my backyard, dumping all those little bead things out in your room and cleaning them all up during our sleepover so that we wouldn't actally due the inevitable...FALL ASLEEP!!! The days of Andrew and you trying to steal him...God I should have just let you have him, what was I thinking...GROSS!!! Jesse talking to me on the phone when I would call you; Eating "Pit" cookies, practices and games in all of the sports, BAND TRIPS!!!, holding your boys for the first time thinking they were the MOST precious gifts from God in the whole world!!! Of course, the memories with good ol' Ulga... the "british" car!!! Disneyland! Girl's Choice..."My mommy told me not to look at that" *while covering ears and closing eyes rocking back and forth in the back of the pickup!!!

    Oh man, I feel like I could go on and on! You rock and I'm so glad that we are still friends! Look how far we've come!!!
